AT&T’s consumer wireless business unit improved average speed of answer, reduced external vendor inefficiencies, improved system wide forecast accuracy and enhanced intraday planning tasks with innovative add-ons to the IEX TotalView solution.

Maintaining effective and efficient lines of communication with over 77 million wireless voice and data customers is no easy task. AT&T continues to find new ways to improve the performance of its agents in conjunction with the IEX TotalView solution.

AT&T uses a combination of internally managed contact centers and external partners. Visibility into the vendor sites was limited by a lack of integrated systems, up to date data, and standardized measurements of KPIs such as shrinkage and average handle time. This disrupted forecast accuracy and schedule efficiency. Attempts to manage the problem manually consumed a great deal of time with minimal gain, often because analyses could not be completed before the next scheduling period.

“We had limited insight into how our partners were scheduling their agents, which affected the accuracy of call routing decisions,” says Stuart Bauman, Director of National Workforce Operations for AT&T’s consumer wireless business unit. “The external call centers would often schedule without fully taking the forecasted call curve into account, so we would end up with mismatches of staff and demand during parts of the day and the week.”